protein shake

How Long Does A Protein Shake Last In The Fridge? Tips To Store

One question is frequently asked: how long can a protein shake last in the fridge?

A protein shake keeps for 72 hours in the fridge and for about 2 hours at room temperature. You must re-blend or mix the shake before drinking, though, because separation does occur.

We will examine the shelf life of a protein shake in detail in this succinct guide. We’ll also go over some storage advice for protein shakes.

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How Long Can A Protein Shake Last In The Fridge?

72 hours is the maximum amount of time a refrigerated protein shake will remain safe to consume. Beyond this point, harmful bacteria will start to grow in the protein powder. The quality of any additional fresh ingredients (such as fruits and vegetables) will also start to decline. This holds true for protein shakes made with water, milk, or other non-dairy liquids.

  • A protein shake can be stored in the fridge without risk for up to 72 hours.
  • Drink your protein shake no later than 12 hours after it has been in the refrigerator for the best flavor.

Drink your protein shake no later than 12 hours after it has been in the fridge for the best flavor. Following this, the flavor and consistency of fresh ingredients may start to change. Additionally, the protein powder will separate from the other ingredients and possibly foam up.

What Temperature Should A Protein Shake Be Stored At?

Keeping your protein shake at 40 degrees Fahrenheit or lower is always a good idea. It is always recommended to store your protein shake at a lower temperature to keep it fresh for a long time because bacterial growth occurs more quickly between the temperatures of 40 and 140 degrees Fahrenheit.

Shelf Life Of Protein Shake At Room Temperature

When kept at room temperature outside of the refrigerator, protein shakes last for about two hours. 

Since bacteria grow more quickly between 40 and 140 degrees Fahrenheit, protein shakes left out in the open for longer than 2 hours should be thrown away. This is because longer exposure to the air increases the likelihood that the protein shake will already be contaminated with bacteria.

Furthermore, if the temperature is close to 90 degrees Fahrenheit, spoilage happens more quickly, so it is advised to throw away protein shake that has been left out in the open for more than an hour at 90 degrees Fahrenheit.

How Long Does Protein Powder Last?

When kept in a cool, dry, and dark location away from direct sunlight and heat, protein powder lasts for approximately 9–19 months.

However, when properly stored in a dark, dry, and cool environment, protein powders that contain additives to help extend their shelf life last for about two years.

It’s important to note that the aforementioned numbers represent the protein powder’s estimated shelf life.

How Can You Avoid Having A Bad Protein Shake?

Your protein shake can never be saved from spoilage. The process can be prolonged for a few days, though, if you slow it down long enough.

Here are our top suggestions:

At or below 40 degrees Fahrenheit (4 degrees Celsius), keep your protein shake. Store your protein shake at a temperature of no more than 40 degrees Fahrenheit to prevent the growth of bacteria.

In a bottle or other airtight container, store your shake. If you have other food items in the refrigerator, you should store your protein shake in an airtight bottle, shaker, or container to keep it from absorbing the flavors of those other foods.

Your protein shake will keep for up to 72 hours if you adhere to these two recommendations. When I finish my workout days and just make a batch of two protein shakes to consume on rest days, I find this to be really helpful.

However, be sure to shake it well before consuming it.

Tips For Storing Protein Shakes Correctly

  1. Protein shakes should always be kept at 40 degrees Fahrenheit or lower. It is always recommended to store your protein shake at a lower temperature because bacterial growth happens more quickly between temperatures of 40°F and 140°F.
  2. To keep it from absorbing the flavors of other foods in the fridge, store the protein shake in an airtight bottle or container. Protein shakes should be kept out of the reach of pungent foods.
  3. Since there is a lot of temperature variation at the refrigerator door that can affect the quality of the protein shake, it is recommended to store protein shakes on one of the shelves rather than the door.
  4. Before consuming, blender or shake the chilled protein shake.

A recipe for a banana protein shake can be found here.

How To Spot Bad Protein Shake?

Unhealthy protein shakes have certain telltale signs. Therefore, by observing your protein shake’s appearance, texture, smell, and taste, you can determine whether it has gone bad.


The best course of action is to toss out a protein shake if you notice mold or organic growth on it.


When performing a sniff test on your protein shake, if you detect an unpleasant odor (particularly sour or foul), it is likely that the shake has gone bad, and it is best to throw it away.


It’s best to throw away your homemade dairy-based protein shake if you notice that it has curdled or become lumpy.


You can start tasting the protein shake if it passes the visual and olfactory tests. If, after taking a sip, you detect an unpleasant or sour taste (in the case of homemade protein shakes made with dairy), this is a sign that the protein shake has gone bad. 

The best course of action is to throw away any protein shake that has been tainted by microbes.

What Takes Place If You Drink A Bad Protein Shake?

Typically, consuming a protein shake causes diarrhea and an upset stomach. This can be mild in some situations or quite extreme in others. Drink fresh protein shakes and carefully inspect any chilled protein shakes before you take a sip to avoid this.

  • The most typical negative effect is diarrhea and an upset stomach.
  • Some spoiled protein shakes can give you food poisoning, which makes you throw up.

Remember that protein shakes containing spinach and other vegetables are ideal environments for the growth of the salmonella bacteria, which can result in food poisoning. Vomiting, nausea, and other symptoms of food poisoning from a contaminated protein shake are possible.


What is the shelf life of a protein shake? Depending on how you keep it stored.

If refrigerated, a blended protein shake is safe to consume for 72 hours. The flavor of any fresh ingredients, however (such as fruits and vegetables), may deteriorate during this time. A protein shake should be consumed within 12 hours for the best flavor. Only about two hours will pass if your protein shake is safe to drink if it isn’t refrigerated. Intestinal distress or even food poisoning can result from consuming a protein shake that has passed its sell-by date.

The components of your protein drink play a significant role in how long it will last. Shakes that contain additional ingredients may spoil sooner if only the powder and base are used.

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